Shalom Y’all Ministries exist to teach the whole word of God. We believe Yeshua is the Messiah and the Son of the One True God, YHWH. He is to be proclaimed to every living creature; to whomever will believe to be born again in the Spirit, unto eternal life. We are sanctified and cleansed by the blood of Yeshua, to boldly come before the throne of God in worship. Yeshua said there was a time coming when when we would worship Him in Spirit and in truth. The Word of God, including the Torah, instructs us on how to worship Him in truth. We are here to provide teachings on worshiping YHWH in truth.
We believe that the Spirit of God is moving through the earth and is preparing His bride for the return of the Messiah. Yeshua is coming back for a bride who has prepared herself; one without spot or wrinkle. The Spirit is calling the bride out of Babylon and mixture, and bringing her back into a pure form of worship. We are devoted to provide teachings and instructions for the body of Messiah as she prepares herself for the return of her Redeemer.
Yeshua would say that through obedience to God’s word, we abide in His presence, and that our joy may be complete. We aim to show the joy and blessings that come from walking in the commands of YHWH, His Torah, and all of scripture. That they are not burdensome or a curse, but life and blessing to those who hear them and do them.
We celebrate the seventh day Sabbath and the Feasts of YHWH; rehearsing what is to come in Messiah’s Kingdom. Yeshua is the substance of the seventh day Sabbath and the Feasts and they speak of His kingdom. We strive to teach the importance of these Feasts and the prophetic picture they speak to every believer.
We seek to teach, encourage, and build faith through our teachings made available online every week to believers in every nation, and to reach the unbeliever, that they would hear, repent, and believe in Yeshua.